Saturday, November 16, 2024

Laura Nielsen's Pumpkin Casserole

 When we were first married we met approximately monthly with other newly married couples for Family Home Evening (FHE), it was a great transition from singles ward FHE to family FHE. We took turns meeting at different homes and had dinner, study and activities together. It was awesome. Some couples came in and out, but the core couples we met with are Chris and Laura Nielsen and Pat and Jill Crist. At an FHE in October/November Laura made this and I have made it every year since. 

A word on pumpkins: my favorite pumpkin for this is what Trader Joe's called a "Cinderella Pumpkin" it is kind of funky-looking and like a sat-on sphere, but when you cut it in half you end up with 2 rounds that I bake and put the casserole in one half and use the other half for whatever I want pumpkin for.

2 1/2 pounds hamburger 
2 cups celery, chopped
2 cups green (and/or other colored) peppers, cupped
1 Tablespoon salt
2 cups onion, chopped
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 cups rice, cooked
2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 can mushrooms (I usually don't have this and just omit it, or perhaps use freshe mushmooms)
1/4 cup soy sauce (we have been appropriately schooled and so use Aloha shoyu, of course)
1 (or 1/2 in this case) pumpkin

Cut and clean out the pumpkin and bake, I bake both halves of our Cinderella pumpkin on different bun pans for about an hour at 350 degrees. You can cook the rice and prep the veggies and such during this time.

Brown and drain hamburger and add mix in all the other ingredients (other than the pumpkin). I like to prick the pumpkin skin with a fork (or my tomato/onion holder for slicing) it helps you know if the flesh is ready and I think it helps the pumpkin absorb more of the flavor. Fill the pumpkin half with the mixture--it can be a rounded mound--and put it back in the oven to bake, you probably only need about 30 min more or so to make sure everything is warm and ready.

You can serve the pumpkin on the bun pan, or if you're fancy put it on a big tray. Serve it with a big spoon with somewhat sharp edges so you can scoop out some of the pumpkin with each serving.

For 12 servings approx: 430 Calories, 13 g fat (will depend on the amount of fat in your hamburger), 16 g protein, 63 g carb, 38 mg cholesterol, 1400 mg sodium

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